Nov 19, 2021, Holy Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries) | In Memoriam of Maria Blanca

• November 19, 2021, Today’s Holy Rosary,
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary
• In Memoriam of Maria Blanca: Testimonials

Friends of the Rosary:

Nothing in this world lasts forever. In Spain, there is a popular saying that you hear in daily conversations, for example, in retail: “Para siempre, Dios,” “Forever it is only God.”

Over and over again, Jesus repeats in the Gospel that our deepest commitments should be for God. Yesterday’s shocking reading (Luke 19:41-41), forecasting the destruction of an entire city, highlighted the same idea.

My wife Maria Blanca reminded us when she was about to die: “We live for God alone” Freeing ourselves from our material world seems to us an impossible mission because this is all we know.

Only with the knowledge that comes from the faith, we will be able to understand what’s our existence all about.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

+ Mikel A. |, New York