March 9, 2025, First Sunday of Lent, Holy Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)

• March 9, 2025, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• The Audio Podcast of this Rosary is Available Here Now!

Friends of the Rosary,

Today, the first Sunday of Lent, we see Christ Jesus led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil (Luke 4:1-13).

Hungry, after fasting for forty days and nights, Jesus responded to the first temptation:

“It is written, One does not live on bread alone.”

To the second temptation of acquiring power and glory by worshipping the Evil One, Our Lord said:

“It is written, You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.”

In this episode, we notice that seeking power is to serve Satan.

To the third temptation, when Satan quoted the Scripture and the words of the Father in a manipulative manner, encouraging Christ to jump from the temple and let angels save him, Jesus answered:

“It also says, You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.”

Like Jesus, we also confront great temptations in our daily lives. This Lent, we have another opportunity to learn from him and grow closer to Him in our spiritual journey.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

Come, Holy Spirit, come!
To Jesus through Mary!

+ Mikel Amigot |, New York

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