• December 16, 2021, Today’s Holy Rosary, YouTube.com/TheRosaryNetwork
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary
• In Memoriam of Maria Blanca: Testimonials
Friends of the Rosary:
Every person is created to be a conduit of the divine grace into the world.
Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. We are meant to bring forth all the fruits and virtues, as we are reminded through the mysteries of the Rosary.
The closer we get to God, the more alive we are.
The problem is sin, which blocks the advance of the divine fount of life. We misunderstand the reality of our existence and prefer to go our way.
The result is that we lose ourselves in darkness and fall into despair. We are like a tree that produces no fruit. And if no life comes — and this frightening — the tree will be cut down.
Let’s bear spiritual fruit.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
+ Mikel A. | TheRosaryNetwork.org, New York