• December 7, 2024, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
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Friends of the Rosary,
Today, December 7, the first Saturday of the month, the Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Ambrose (340-397), who proclaimed the coming of Christ, the long-awaited Savior, in troubled times not so different from our own.
At that time, people were abandoning the true faith for falsified concepts of Christ. But Ambrose remained steadfast, teaching fidelity by words and action.
He studied in Rome and later became governor of Liguria and Aemelia, with a residence in Milan. In 374, while supervising the election of a new bishop of Milan, he was suddenly acclaimed as the bishop. He was only a catechumen at the time, but he was ordained a priest and consecrated a bishop on December 7.
He wrote extensively on the Scriptures and Fathers, opposed the heretics, and was instrumental in converting St. Augustine. He also composed many hymns and promoted sacred chant.
His was wholly rooted in mystery and sacrament. We can profit greatly by reading Ambrose’s works. He is one of the four great Latin Doctors of the Church.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
St. Ambrose, Pray for Us!
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
To Jesus through Mary!
+ Mikel Amigot | RosaryNetwork.com, New York