January 16, 2025, Holy Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)

• January 16, 2025, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• The Audio Podcast of this Rosary is Available Here Now!

Friends of the Rosary,

During these weeks until Lent, Christ Jesus, the source of life and hope, opens our souls to divine power.

A few days ago, we concluded Christmas as the arrival of the Light amid darkness.

“To the people who walked in the shadow of death, a light has shone” (Mt 4.16).

It’s a time of fulfillment when we repent and abhor sin through a good sacramental confession and the Eucharistic Communion.

We also pray for the intentions of the Pope and practice works of mercy.

This way, we obtain Plenary Indulgence, which is the forgiveness of the penalties that we pay for our sins.

This indulgence can also be applied to our deceased family members and friends so they may reach heaven.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

Come, Holy Spirit, come!

To Jesus through Mary!

+ Mikel Amigot | RosaryNetwork.com, New York

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