January 19, 2025, Holy Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)

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Friends of the Rosary,

Today, January 19, Second Sunday in Ordinary Times, the Gospel’s central reading (John 2:1-12) presents us the episode of the Wedding at Cana, Christ’s first public miracle, his approval of marriage, and the intercessory power of the Blessed Mother Mary.

Overall, we see the goodness and kindness of Christ granting the newly married groom an earthly gift by converting water into wine and saving them from public embarrassment.

By this kind act, Jesus shows us that he is also interested in our worldly affairs during our journey to heaven.

The miracle at Cana had other effects, like proving to his very recent disciples that he was the expected Messiah and also convincing all Christians of the efficacy of our Lady’s intercession.

Christ is telling us, “Ask, and you shall receive.” It means that our prayers, with the right petitioning of spiritual and temporal requests, will be answered, as the miracle of Cana proves.

We have a Father in Heaven who loves and cares for us, so let us make our temporal and spiritual needs known to him in confident prayer. Our requests will not go unanswered.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

Come, Holy Spirit, come!

To Jesus through Mary!

+ Mikel Amigot | RosaryNetwork.com, New York

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