January 4, 2025, Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries)

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Friends of the Rosary,

Happy New Year in Christ!

Today, January 4, the first Saturday of the month, we celebrate the memorial day of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821), the first citizen of the U.S. to be canonized a saint.

She is the patron saint of Catholic schools, widows, loss of parents and children, and people ridiculed for their piety.

In Maryland, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mother Seton, founded a congregation of sisters — the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph — and started the first Catholic grade school in America.

Her mission to educate the poor and teach in orphanages formed the beginning of the American parochial school system.


Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Pray for Us!

Come, Holy Spirit, come!

To Jesus through Mary!

+ Mikel Amigot | RosaryNetwork.com, New York

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