[ In the Memory of Maria Blanca ]
• January 5, 2021, Today’s Holy Rosary, YouTube.com/TheRosaryNetwork
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary
• In Memoriam of Maria Blanca: Testimonials
Friends of the Rosary:
The Divinity created us in His image. He wanted us to purify our souls, damaged with the original sin and continued offenses committed against the truth.
How can we achieve this purification and salvation? By imitating the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ.
We emulate Jesus in his charity, humility, and other virtues. We follow Him unconditionally, knowing that we live — or should live — for God, as my wife said in her last days.
And following Jesus means to abandon ourselves and take the way of the Cross. The Holy Cross and the Eucharist are all we need to have a joyful and hopeful journey here on Earth.
If we’re done at his image it’s natural to be like him, and to be like him we follow him.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
+ Mikel A. | TheRosaryNetwork.org, New York