• July 8, 2021, Today’s Holy Rosary on YouTube — Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary Available Here Now!
Friends of the Rosary:
Instinctively, we are selfish and self-centered. We are damaged by the original sin. This tendency to making ourselves the center of everything and being just concerned with our own interest is really damaging.
With the baptism we received the invitation to start escaping from selfishness.
Our worldly nature pushes us to embrace pleasures and vanities while our spiritual inner sense invites us to seek God. The ruler of the world, the Father of Lies, twists our mind with empty promises, intended to reject God. And, sadly he is mostly successful. Among the forces of good and evil our life is consumed.
In the Holy Rosary of Mary — a perfect summary of the Gospel — we find the truth and peace. This is our prayer and our salvific tool for now and forever.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
+ Mikel A. | RosaryNetwork.com, New York
[ Second Year Anniversary | In the Memory of María Blanca ]