May 21, 2024, Holy Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries)

• May 21, 2024, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• The Audio Podcast of this Rosary is Available Here Now!

Friends of the Rosary,

This Pentecost Sunday, with the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and disciples, the Jewish crowd of that time experienced the miracle of tongues.

This supernatural event recalled the story about the tower of Babel, when men, enslaved by pride, attempted to build a tower that would touch the heavens.

To punish their sin, God confused their speech. Sin causes confusion and division.

On Pentecost, Lord Christ came to gather all men into His Church, uniting them to Himself.

This should result in creating one family of nations again.

The gift of love infused into us by the Holy Spirit unites us. Love is the common language, that should be spoken into all nations.

Come, Holy Spirit, come!

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

To Jesus through Mary!

+ Mikel Amigot |, New York