September 7, 2022, Holy Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)

• September 7, 2021, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary Available Here Now!

Friends of the Rosary:

At this time of new evangelization, the Enemy is taking advantage and confusing many prelates.

A friend is sending us a horrific video of yoga practitioners inside a Catholic Church in Belgium.

Every Wednesday in July and August, at St. James Church in Antwerp in Belgium, yoga classes were offered for its parishioners. The pews of the central nave near the altar were removed so the participants have an area for their “sacred space yoga”. The parish priest and the local bishop were supporting the blasphemy.

The infiltration of Hinduism and other anti-Christian ideas into Catholic spirituality is a fact.

Maybe the prelates don’t know of the dangers of Yoga (rooted in the Hindu religion, where positions are salutations to the many Hindu Gods) and that Catholics should not practice it at risk of offending the First Commandment.

Let us pray the Holy Rosary in reparation for the many offenses Our Lord receives.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

+ Mikel A. |, New York