August 28, 2021, Memorial of St. Augustin, Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) | Comment: Resting in God

• August 28, 2021, Holy Rosary Today 7:30 pm ET,
• Audio Podcast available by 6:00 pm ET

Friends of the Rosary:

Today is the Memorial Day of St. Augustine, the son of St. Monica.

After a life of excesses, he converted, distributed his goods to the poor, and was ordained priest and later Bishop of Hippo at the age of 41, right in the fourth century.

The author of The Confessions and The City of God became the Church’s most influential theologian of that time, with a Platonistic view and inexhaustible spirituality.

Born in Tagaste, Africa, this Doctor of the Church, known as the “Doctor of grace”, created the Augustinian religious order. Throughout his penetrating mind, St. Augustine envisioned that earthly satisfactions were not the answer. Restless is the heart until it rests in God, he famously said.

He fought mighty battles against heretics — like Pelagius — over all of whom he triumphed. Christian art features him with a burning heart to symbolize the ardent love of God, which permeates all his writings.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
St. Augustine, Pray for Us!

+ Mikel A. |, New York
