• April 26, 2021, Today’s Holy Rosary on YouTube — Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
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• In Memoriam of Maria Blanca: Testimonials
Friends of the Rosary:
We pray today’s Sorrowful Mysteries in the streets of Lisbon, Portugal, where leftish groups celebrate the 48th anniversary of the 25th of April of the Carnation Revolution in 1974.
No matter political ideas and colorful ideologies, Jesus Christ shows his unconditional merciful love to every single person, despite sin. Moreover, the Son of God wants to be the refuge for the most grievous sinners.
As a human family, we rejoice with the mercy of God, who makes no difference among his children. It is critical not to exalt ourselves and be humble. As Jesus said, “for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
+ Mikel A. | RosaryNetwork.com, New York
[ Second Year Anniversary | In the Memory of María Blanca ]