• July 9, 2021, Today’s Holy Rosary on YouTube — Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary Available Here Now!
Friends of the Rosary:
The Christian life is a battle against the seductions of our society, including the social life. Carrying the Cross is an extremely demanding business. Unless we have immense faith and we surrender to the Divinity, we won’t make it.
We need the grace of Jesus and Mary to stay in the path of the salvation. Alone we will end up failing. Jesus was clear. He told us in yesterday’s reading: “Whoever endures to the end will be saved.”
We hold the Rosary of Mary in the hope to receive the strength and the grace to endure until the end. Our eternal soul is at stake.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
+ Mikel A. | RosaryNetwork.com, New York
[ Second Year Anniversary | In the Memory of María Blanca ]