• January 31, 2023, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
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Friends of the Rosary:
Today is the Memorial Day of St. John Bosco, an Italian priest (1815-1888) who was also known as Don Bosco. He founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesians) and the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, which is also known as the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Auxiliatrix.
St. John Bosco was a gifted educator, innovator, and leader, who was known for his authentic religiosity, reasoning, kindness, and love for young boys and girls.
During that time, Italy’s nationalist movement made life difficult for religious orders, and its anti-clerical attitudes even led to assassination attempts against Don Bosco.
However, such hostility did not stop the Salesians from expanding in Europe and beyond. By the end of Don Bosco’s life, they were helping 130,000 children in 250 houses. Don Bosco stated, “I have done nothing by myself. Our Lady has done everything” through her intercession with God.
St. John Bosco passed away in the early hours of January 31, 1888, after conveying a message, “Tell the boys that I shall be waiting for them all in Paradise.”
Don Bosco was canonized 44 years after his death and was named “teacher and father to the young” by Pope John Paul II.
He is considered the patron saint of young people, apprentices, and Catholic publishers and editors.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
Don Bosco, Pray for Us!
+ Mikel A. | RosaryNetwork.com, New York