March 2, 2023, Holy Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)

• March 2, 2023, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET
• Audio Podcast of this Rosary is Available Here Now!

Friends of the Rosary:

In baptism, when we became members of the mystical body, we were marked with the seal of the cross. In the first luminous mystery of today, we signify that we are partakers of the Crucified.

During this Lent, we learn by faith the virtue of the Cross.

The remembrance of the Cross of Jesus is a very efficacious reflection against temptations.

Jesus destroyed the works of the devil and cast out wickedness and sin by his death upon the Cross.

We embrace the Cross as our way of salvation.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!

+ Mikel A. |, New York