November 9, 2020, Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) | Comment: Devotion to Mary

• November 9, 2020, Holy Rosary at 7:30 pm ET, at
• Audio Podcast available by 6:00 pm ET

Friends of the Rosary,

God’s ways are gloriously different from the ways of man. God’s timing is different, too. Politics is temporary while the Kingdom of God is eternal. Our Father in Heaven and the Holy Trinity love mankind so much that they permit our freedom until the last consequences.

We are called to be perfect, as Our Father is—as Jesus reminded us. People choose different dwelling paths. Some follow Jesus Christ, some reject Him. One-third of the Angels decided to go against their Creator. And the prince of lies messes up many on Earth.

However, one thing was revealed to us: in the end, the immaculate heart of Mary will triumph. No matter what kind of evil might arise, we should run to the Blessed Mother and ask to be protected under Her mantle.

Being devoted to the Virgin Mary and imitating the mysteries of the Rosary is the path to eternal happiness. This is a fundamental truth that Evil wants to hide from the world these days.

[Written by Mikel A | The Rosary Network, New York]