• October 6, 2021, Rosary Today 7:30 pm ET, YouTube.com/TheRosaryNetwork
• Audio Podcast available by 6:00 pm ET
Friends of the Rosary:
Another teaching of Jesus Christ that our modern society rejects refers to the sanctity of marriage, naturally between a male and female.
In one of the readings of last Sunday (Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12), Jesus explained how God joins together marriages, making wife and husband one single flesh. Exactly the same way that it happened at the beginning of creation with Adam and Eve.
The holy marriage is part of the divine salvific plan for men and women. Our society rejects God and therefore rejects both natural and sacramental marriages. This reflects how sinful we all are.
Instead, we defy the Holy Trinity and engineer ideologies that only benefit Satan, the enemy of the human race. Obviously, these false ideas cause despair and murder here on Earth and eternal condemnation for the next life. What an awful deal for all of us!
Our society urgently needs to convert and ask for forgiveness. There is no other way.
Ave Maria!
Jesus, I Trust In You!
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, Pray for Us!
+ Mikel A. | TheRosaryNetwork.org, New York